Over the years, the IAYC has acquired a lot of useful resources for observing and other scientific experiments.
Irati and Daniel with IWA equipment.
We currently have a range of telescopes available for participants to use:
Celestron, Schmidt-Cassegrain 8”
Explore Scientific 12” Dobsonian
Skywatcher Newton 200mm
Skywatcher Newton 150mm
Skywatcher Newton 130mm with Az-Alt GoTo mount
William Optics 80mm Refractor
Coronado PST H-Alpha solar telescope
Skywatcher NEQ5 tracking mount
Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 mount
2 Skywatcher EQ5 mounts
We have equipment available, however participants interested in imaging are encouraged to bring their own camera.
Canon 700D DSLR (for participant use)
Nikon, Canon, Pentax T-Rings
T2 extension tubes
A wide range of eyepieces both 1.25” and 2”, extensions rings and adaptor rings
1.25” Celestron Plössl Eyepieces: 4 mm, 6 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm, 13 mm, 15 mm, 17 mm, (2”) 32 mm
William Optics Swan: 9 mm, (2”) 25 mm
William Optics 2.5x APO Barlow
2x Barlow, 2.5x Barlow
Celestron tele-extender
1.5x erecting eyepiece
William Optics quartz diagonal
2x Filter wheels
Hydrogen Alpha, Hydrogen Beta, Oxygen III, Star Analyser 100 diffraction grating
VBRI Johnson-Cousins filerset
LRGB filterset
Moon filter
2x #21 Orange, 2x #21 red, 2x #56 green, 2x #58 dark green, 2x #80 blue, 2x #25 red
Sky pollution Filters
Baader 540±10nm solar continuum filter
We have an equipped darkroom and film cameras for participants to use during the camp.
Other bits
Tool kit (tape measure, hammer, spirit level, spanners, allen keys, screwdrivers, pliers, hand drill, saw, assorted nails/screws)
Temperature controlled soldering station